رفتن به محتوای اصلی

We Condemn Bombing of the Headquarters of the Iranian Kurdish Parties and the Threats Against Them in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region!

We Condemn Bombing of the Headquarters of the Iranian Kurdish Parties and the Threats Against Them in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region!

We Condemn Bombing of the Headquarters of the Iranian Kurdish Parties and the Threats Against Them in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region!


The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) bombed the headquarters of Kurdish parties in the Kurdistan Region again yesterday. In recent weeks, the IRGC commanders have repeatedly threatened Kurdish forces with attacks. Now, in carrying out these threats, they have bombed three bases of the KDP-I forces and launched heavy artillery attacks. These bombings have destroyed the targeted areas and created panic among the residents of the area, and fortunately, no casualties have been reported. Considering the bitter experience of previous bombings, especially bombing of the headquarters of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in 2018, which took place at the same time with the execution of a number of Kurdish prisoners, the Kurdish parties based in this region, this time, timely and consciously were able to take the necessary measures to neutralize the plot of the suppression and killing machine of the Islamic Republic.

The resistance of Kurdish parties and organizations against the machine of repression and killing of the Islamic Republic is part of the nationwide resistance of the Iranian people against this authoritarian regime. Kurdish fighters tried to achieve their demands through peaceful struggle and negotiation with the regime but received no response other than violence and repression. Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou, the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran, along with two of his entourage were assassinated at the negotiating table with representatives of the Islamic Republic. His successor, Dr. Sadegh Sharafkandi, was assassinated in Berlin along with two of his entourage by the Islamic Republic. In addition, to date, tens of Kurdish political activists have been assassinated in the Iraqi Kurdistan or in Turkey by the Islamic regime agents. The latest case was the murder of Musa Babakhani, a member of the Central Committee of the KDP-I, in the Iraqi Kurdish city of Erbil. He was abducted on Thursday, August 5, by two security forces of the Islamic Republic, and two days later, his tortured dead body was found in a hotel in the same city. These authoritarian and hostile to peace approaches intensify the atmosphere of violence and armed conflict in the region.

We strongly condemn the bombing of Kurdish political parties and organizations in Iraq. We consider it the duty of the Iraqi government, and specifically of the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government, to prevent the Islamic Republic from invading Iraqi territory and to protect the lives of those who have taken refuge in Iraq, specifically in Iraqi Kurdistan. Just as the United Nations has a duty to protest the Islamic Republic's invasion of another country and the killing of those who have sought refuge in another country. We call on all freedom-loving and democratic forces to defend the rights of their compatriots and to counter the threats of the Islamic Republic and the insecurity of the opposition's activities abroad. We believe that it is necessary for the international authorities and the public opinion of Iran and the world to prevent the continuation of these bombings and threats by the Islamic Republic.


Political-Executive Boards of:

United Republicans of Iran

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran (USRHR)

September 10, 2021

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