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December 2021


International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this Issue you read:
Word of the Month
Does Israel take on America's military role in the Middle East?
A month of protests by cultural Society
Caught between despair and optimism
A victory
Excerpts from the political agenda approved by the Second Congress

The Success of the Three-Day Protest of Teachers in Pushing Back the Regime!

The protests were widely welcomed, on the one hand, by special social groups, including workers, retirees, and other wage-earners and on the other hand, it led to the approval of the ersatz classification plan by the parliament, one day after the street protests of teachers and cultural figures on December 13

With the Policy of Minimum Flexibility and Maximum Demands of the Islamic Republic, the Failure of the Vienna Talks will be Catastrophic!

Without changing the current foreign policy of the Islamic Republic and paving the way for the normalization of relations with other countries, including the United States and friendly relations with neighbors, there is no end to the current isolation of the country and the danger of sanctions and threats will always remain. Economic pressure on the Iranian people will continue. Even the announcement of the cessation of negotiations for consultations immediately reflects on the critical situation of the Iranian economy and the increase in the price of foreign currencies. The continuation of these instabilities has a direct effect on increasing the price of the people’s general necessities.

Our Country Needs Fundamental Change Let Us Concur and Unite!

The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian), as a left party with the aspiration of democratic socialism, is currently fighting for the transition from the Islamic Republic to the establishment of a secular and democratic republic. We call on all democratic forces, left and freedom-seekers, all activists of social and civil movements, individuals, national organizations, and parties to cooperate and unite to create a system based on the free will of the people of Iran.

Organisation réussie d'une manifestation nationale des enseignants

Conseil Exécutif du Parti de gauche d'Iran
Des fonds insuffisants ont été alloués à la bonne mise en œuvre du classement souhaité des enseignants au parlement et au mépris des demandes des autres enseignants, telles que l'égalisation des retraités, sur la base de la loi sur la gestion de la fonction publique, et le classement des employés. La liberté des enseignants emprisonnés et une éducation de qualité et gratuite pour tous les élèves figuraient également parmi les revendications soulevées lors des rassemblements.

We Support the Teachers’ Demands!

Allocation of insufficient funds for the proper implementation of the desired ranking of teachers in the parliament and disregard for other demands of teachers, such as equalization of retirees, based on the Civil Service Management Law, were the main demands of the teachers' nationwide protest on December 2nd. Freedom of imprisoned teachers and high quality and free education for all students were also among the demands raised at the rallies.

Programme politique approuvé par le 2éme Congrès du Parti de Gauche d’Iran (Fédayin du Peuple)

Parti de Gauche d’Iran
Nous croyons en l'organisation indépendante du peuple. La transition de ce régime et l'établissement de la démocratie et de la justice sociale ne sont possibles que par les luttes nationales et la large mobilisation sociale des différentes couches sociales de notre peuple. Nous insistons sur la nécessité d'établir des liens entre les mouvements de protestation de ces couches. Notre objectif est de soutenir les luttes de ces groupes sociaux et de renforcer la solidarité entre eux.


International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
Word of the Month: Another indication, climate change is here
From the Second Congress
Another indication, climate change is here
The need to move to another future!
Another form of protest
The Message of Solidarity