IRAN: View from the LEFT 33

Iran is in turmoil. In over 80 towns and cities all across the country young people, especially young women, are fearlessly staging huge protests despite growing police and para-military repression. Their slogan " Women, Life, Liberty" encompasses the gender equality and democratic rights, free from Islamist repression, that they demand. So far, the official number killed has passed 50 but the actual number is almost certainly far higher.
Mahsa Amini, just 22 years old, was arrested because she was not fully compliant with the regime's strict dress code. Three days later, she was dead. The regime claims she had a heart attack but her parents say she had no history of heart problems.
Amini's brutal death is just the latest of innumerable acts of savagery by the Islamic Republic, which has consistently targeted women who defy its mysognistic prejudices and rules.
This latest movement is the result of years of suffering under a system of political Islam. This system has failed.
Overwhelmingly, those taking part in these protests are the grandchildren of those who propelled the 1979 revolution against the US-backed Shah's dictatorship. They are too young to have felt the terror or bear the scars of previous Iranian movements. Their outrage is matched only by their fearlessness in the face of the regime's thugs and firepower.
No one can foretell the outcome of the present struggle, but any failure to finalise agreement and reinstate the JCP